Trusted by 200+ hotels across the world

Offer your guests the Digital Experience
they love
Track guest satisfaction levels in real-time with instant feedbacks
Get instant feedback after each request is fulfilled. Turn negative experiences into positive ones by receiving feedback when it matters the most.
Get notified on negative feedbacks
Act on feedbacks while the guests are still in the hotel
Convert sub-par experiences into positive ones

The Butlr's Guest Satisfaction tracker has really helped us identify sub-par experiences and take timely measures. It has not only increased Customer loyalty but has also improved our online reputation.
Manoj Kumar
The Center Court Resort
General Manager
What our customers say
Tracking multiples properties has become really easier with Butlr. In just a few months we observed increased efficiency and higher revenues. Their swift and proficient customer support deserves a shout-out too!
Kuber Khilare
The Ambassador, Icon Inn
Efficient guest request management with Butlr has led to substantial reductions in TATs, while fostering closer & meaningful relationships with our guests. A must-have tool for enhancing guest experiences and maximizing profits.
Sidhant Ravat
Hotel K Square
General Manager
Make the most of your Guest’s Experience
Set up your app in minutes
Get a fully-functional app in just a few minutes. No coding or development is required.
Branded look & feel
Your hotel's brand identity, logo, and colors are what guests see while using our technology. STAY isn't visible to them.
Easy to use for everyone
Our design is intuitive to provide a user-friendly experience to your staff and guests. They will quickly get familiar with it.
Having all the hotel info available in their language, your guests won't find any barriers when interacting with your staff.
Choose your App
You decide how your guests access the app: by scanning QR Codes, downloading iOS or Android apps, or even through your
Expert Support
Our Customer Success team will provide constant guidance and support to help you achieve your hotel goals.
Seamless integration with your existing management systems



